Book Clubs

I love it when book clubs choose to read my book. To be helpful, I’ve put together discussion questions below.

If your club or group has a question you’d like to ask me, feel free to fill out this form and let me know when you’ll be meeting. I’ll send you a response or, if the timing works, join your get together.

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HumanKind: Changing the World one Small Act At a Time Discussion Questions (click to download printable PDF)

  1. Throughout the book, there are many small acts of kindness. Have you experienced a meaningful small act of kindness? What did it mean to you?
  2. Brad talks about how our small acts of kindness generally reveal our love more than a grand gesture would. He shares that his wife’s hiding of $20 in his car (knowing Brad would inevitably forget his wallet and need the money) and similar small thoughtful gestures mean more to him than a big birthday gift or party. What do you think?
  3. What story has stuck with you the most? Why?
  4. Will you do anything differently after reading this book? Do you have a new perspective?
  5. If you had the chance to ask the author one question, what would it be? (If your club comes up with a question, please submit it here: /contact/. Brad will send you a response or, if the timing works, join your club.)
  6. Were there any stories in the book that you identified with? Why?
  7. Many of these stories show how kindness often comes when we need it most—when we’re going through a difficult time. Have you experienced this?
  8. Was there a chapter that resonated most with you? Why?
  9. “Friendship isn’t a big thing. It’s a million little things” is a quote from the book. What does that mean to you?
  10. What was the most surprising story in the book?
  11. What do you think about Brad’s belief that love isn’t something you say but something you do?
  12. If you could meet one person in the book, who would it be and why?
  13. In many stories, the right words or a little encouragement from someone made all the difference. How have you experienced the power of the right words being said to you?
  14. This book is about everyday heroes. Do you know any everyday heroes?
  15. In a number of stories, there was a mentor who changed someone’s life. Is there someone who changed your life?
  16. Chapter 9 is about celebration, and Brad writes about how when we’re driving we tend to complain about red lights but don’t celebrate the green lights. Do you agree with this? When was the last time you celebrated? Could you celebrate more in your life? Brad mentioned the holiday his family invented and said celebrating is as simple as appreciating our everyday achievements. Can you think of a new reason to celebrate?

Click here to download these discussion questions as a printable PDF.

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