Halloween Candy for Heroes! — Donate Your Extra Halloween Candy

Halloween Candy for Heroes! — Donate Your Extra Halloween Candy
Posted in: Acts of Kindness, Random Acts of Kindness, Random Acts of Kindness Ideas

If you’re like our family, your kids won’t need all the Halloween candy they’ll receive. You also won’t need the leftovers you have from buying more candy than you’ll be able to pass out.

A great use of that Halloween candy is to donate it for care packages that get sent to our troops, wounded veterans and other first responders! You can thank our troops, make someone’s day, share your candy and even get a tax deduction. You only need to bring your candy to your local drop off location.

Listed below are some great organizations collecting candy.

Ways you can help:

  1. Donate leftover candy (but please don’t include pixy stix or powdery candy – they don’t ship well). Here are places that will accept your candy:
  2. You can find a Soldiers’ Angels drop off near you. Soldiers’ Angels distributes the candy to deployed troops, veterans, and wounded veterans in VA Hospitals. They have sent over one million care packages. You can register to become a collection site here. Please note that collection sites are responsible for covering the mailing expense to get the collected candy to Soldiers’ Angels.
  3. You can ship your excess candy to Troopathon, a nonprofit that provides care packages and letters to U.S. troops deployed around the world. You can also send Troopathon letters for troops, toothbrushes and toothpaste. Their mailing address is:

    “Halloween Candy Buyback”
    3105 Fite Circle Suite 108
    Sacramento, CA 95827

  4. You can also ship your excess candy and letters for troops to Operation Shoebox, a nonprofit that sends care packages to U.S. troops. They accept candy and letters year-round.

    Operation Shoebox
    8360 East Highway 25
    Belleview, FL 34420

  5. Looking for more ideas about how to spread kindness? Check out, HumanKind: Changing the World One Small Act At a Time. This National Bestseller is filled with true stories about how one small deed can make a world of difference and dozens of ways we can all have an impact. “Elegant and wise” (Deepak Chopra). “The most uplifting and life-affirming book in years” (Forbes). Learn more about HumanKind.

You can even take a deduction for the value of your candy on your taxes.

What a nice way to say, “Thank You Veterans” and to support our troops.

Happy Halloween!

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Operation Gratitude

“Operation Gratitude: Thank you very much for your continued love and support. I am reminded that I am not forgotten!!” – SSG A.A.

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