How to Have Fun–A Lesson from the Dancing Clayton County S.W.A.T. Team

How to Have Fun–A Lesson from the Dancing Clayton County S.W.A.T. Team


Posted in: Life Advice

“None of us work traffic on a regular basis. We volunteered to come help. That was our assignment when we got here, and we decided to make the best of it,” said Officer Samuel Smith.

Smith was explaining to the BBC the dance moves he and 3 fellow S.W.A.T. team members made while directing traffic during the Democratic National Convention.

“We just wanted to have fun and did it,” Smith said.

See the video below for some funky dance moves, reactions from onlookers, and a great example of how to have fun:

Let’s take a cue from the Clayton County Georgia S.W.A.T. Team’s approach to directing traffic and knowing how to have fun.

Almost anything can be fun. It’s up to us to make it that way.

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