This Teacher Has an Awesome Kindness Idea that We Should all Copy

This Teacher Has an Awesome Kindness Idea that We Should all Copy
Posted in: Acts of Kindness, Good Deeds, Good News, Random Acts of Kindness, Random Acts of Kindness Ideas

Here’s Helen Mrosla’s great kindness idea

Give each member of your family, team, class or group a piece of paper with the name of every group member on the piece of paper. Tell each group member to “write what you appreciated about each fellow group member next to the person’s name” (or you can give out notecards and instruct everyone to “write what you appreciate about each group member on a separate notecard”). The leader collects all of the sheets/cards.

All of the comments are organized so each person gets a page (or the cards) with all of the positive comments about them.

Helen discovered that her students cherished these sheets so much that the students kept them and still talked about them a decade later. The parents of one student told Helen that their son took the paper with him when he was deployed and kept it with him the entire time.

People don’t hear how special they are often enough. The act of kindness exercise you just read about is a simple way to appreciate others in a lasting and touching way.

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