Good deeds happen all around us. Yet, the news is so often filled with divisiveness that it’s easy to miss the positive. That’s one reason why I make an effort to read and write about good news and good deeds.
Good deeds run from big to small, and they all make a difference. These stories range from the retired couple who helped a struggling Marine pay his bills, which led to the couple creating a job board that has helped thousands of soldiers to our neighbors, who made our day with a kind note and small gift during a difficult time in our lives.
In addition to stories of kindness, you can check out my list of over 100 good deeds each of us can perform. It’s the most popular page on my site and a great place to visit if you’d like ideas for good deeds – 103 Random Acts of Kindness.
I’m inspired by ordinary people making an extraordinary difference through their kind acts. I hope you enjoy their stories!